El tamarindo se puede utilizar de mĂșltiples formas en la cocina: como aperitivo, como postre, como mermelada, zumo, sorbete, helado o incluso la llamada agua de Tamarindo. La pulpa verde duro de un fruto joven es considerado por muchos como demasiado amargo, pero se utiliza a menudo como un ingrediente en platos salados y guisos a bases de carne. En la India se usa el extracto de tamarindo para sazonar los alimentos.
Even though Mexico is not the native country, its usage is quite important and deeply rooted in their culture. We can highlight the spicy sauce prepared with tamarind, the traditional and refreshing tamarind water, or its usage as an ingredient in many traditional dishes of the Mexican cuisine.
This fruit is originally from tropical Africa, concretely from Sudan, although there are sources that point out its origin in India. It is cultivated in many tropical zones.
Nutritional Value
239 calories in 100 grams. This fruit is used as laxative, it is also used as a tea to relieve fever, inflammation, even hangovers.